This weeks training goal was mileage. Sometimes plans must change. First there was this, something that hasn't been seen in Houston in a looong time...
I was beginning to think it would be winter before it stopped raining long enough to see Memorial Park open again. But open it was. A quick check of the forecast showed rain predicted for Monday and Tuesday. Which I know will keep the trails closed for a week. So, I took advantage of the opportunity and rode Mem. Park!
It was a tough ride. First, I left the house early in the morning and rode until early noon. I typically ride in the evenings. The mornings are tougher. You start out with cooler temperatures that rise as you tire. It's like climbing a hill! Secondly, it's been a long time since I've been on a trail! Thank the rains for that. The trail flat kicked my buns!! I couldn't get a flow going. It just felt like the bike was trying to buck me off, rather than me guiding it across the roots. It's been a long time since I've rode up any steep (for Houston) terrain. I chickened out too much on the downhill stuff!
Riding back to the house, I came to an intersection. Now, I realize that people have a difficult time judging the speed of bicyclers. But, this was ridiculous. I was about 50 yards from an intersection where crossing traffic had a stop sign. Some lady drove up and stopped. She had time to go. She had time to go around the block and go through the intersection again before I was going to get there! But she just sat there. I waved her across, but she just sat there looking at me like I was stupid... so I figured she was going to wait for me to pass, technically I had the right-of-way...
Then she decides to go, right as I get to the intersection!!!
I jumped on the brakes, got stopped. WHEW! But in my panic I didn't clip out and promptly fell over. DOH! Managed to jamb up my index and middle finger bad enough that I couldn't grip my handle bars... luckily I was close to home.
Between the trail and crazy lady I ended up with a skinned up knee...
and elbow...
badly swollen, and possibly broken, fingers...
(no picture, can't really see it)
and saddle sores...
(no picture, for obvious reasons!)
... from a crappy pair of shorts (thankfully) were given to me.
Was it worth it? OOOHH YA! It felt great!
I had a 60-mile road ride scheduled for today, but I got a lot more out of the trail ride. Every time I get on the trail I learn something about my riding skillset. Today, I learned that I need to spend more time on the trail. Which means more weekend travels. It sometimes feels silly being a mountain biker in Houston, TX. I've been up and down W. Mount Houston Road, looking for that darn mountain but never found it ... maybe someday I will.