Pie is a thing around our office. Our vendors bring us pies. Good pies, from the Flying Saucer. They bring them often. Why can't they bring us fruit? Me and the marathoner in the office usually pass on the sweet delights laid before us in the kitchen. We often get challenged by mischeivous co-workers to bow to temptation. Today, I went to the restroom and returned to find this on my desk...
Banana Crème, my favorite. I gobbled it down. It was good. Really good. I'm just glad it was a small piece. No one has fessed up to leaving it. Yet.
I didn’t feel like sleeping when I got home. I felt a smidge of guilt for taking a cheat day, too. So I went for a short, yet intense 8-miler. I did a simulated race start, because they are really good for getting a good workout in a short distance/time. It felt good, for sure!
Somewhere I have to fit a 30-miler, a 60-miler, and attend a wedding between now and Sunday. Things are going to be hectic this weekend!
Friday, August 24, 2007
A Visit From the Pie Bandit
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9:00 AM
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