Day starts out with a futile ride around Boulder. I get lost. While I could probably quickly relocate my destination, I enjoy a ramble around the city. I ride through the downtown area, the historic district (really nice), and out to Colorado University area. All nice and very different parts of town.
I finally arrive at my destination, a camera shop, only to find it is closed. Fun exploring anyway.
The altitude hasn't bothered me. Not a bit. And I'm surprised. Home elevation is 50 feet. Boulder is 5,300-ish. I run the numbers on density altitude. I'm surprised... despite the 5,000+ ft of elevation... because of the lack of humidity, the density altitude is actually lower than what I've been riding through in Houston.
But the day isn't over. I return to Valmont for another dose.
My technique starts getting sloppy. And I'm deadmanning the bars. I'm tired.
Only some minor riding tomorrow for photo ops during the IM70.3 race.
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