Monday, March 16, 2009

Sights Along The Way

Only a Boston Terrier would end up on the roof, vigorously defending his territory while simultaneously frightened to death!

... and yes, he was barking at every passerby. I wonder how he got up there?

I've been waiting for a year since this place was finished to time it right for a good photo op. Today was that day! Houston has some wonderful examples of Developers Gone Wild (TM). This is a great one:

If you can't read the sign... it says "Inside the Loop, Within Reach". What it doesn't say is that it's within reach of the TRAIN 5-feet from your bedroom window!!! Oh, the passed out hobo at the bus stop adds a nice touch too. This can be yours for a mere $320k! But hurry, it's only been on the market for a year!

Maybe the TRAIN has something to do with it?! Nawww...

Too bad it wasn't on the other track...