Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Ride of '08

Hard to believe 2008 is already here. It seems like just yesterday we were all certain the end was near because of the millenium bug. Remember that? I suppose global warming *cough*, sorry, climate change is the new millenium bug. It seems that some people just need something to be fatalistic about? The optimist in me says: Screw that, 2008's gonna be a great year!

History will remember the first day in 2008 as being a beautiful, sunny, clear, day - albeit a bit cold. With tons of college football bowl games the urge to park on the couch was strong. But the desire to be under that clear sunny sky was stonger! This despite the 55*F temps! The plan:

  • 0:30 M1 Tempo ride
  • 1:30 M5 Cruise Intervals

The ride plan worked out excellent. The wind was a strong 18 - 20-mph, so I used this to my advantage. I rode the higher effort portion of the cruise interval into the wind. My cruise intervals turned into more of a force-level workout! Looking through Friels' descriptions, the efforts seemed more like hill repeats than cruise intervals. Without the hills of course! The legs felt really, really, good.

At about the 1:45 mark, I noticed my rear tire was almost flat. I was cold, anyway, so I just gave it a shot of CO2 and booked it for the house. Barely made it as the tire was low again. Finished off the ride with some hot chocolate, yum! Overall, an excellent training experience!

2008's off to a great start!